Mechanical Engineering McqsTheory of Machines

100+ MCQ & Answer Theory Of Machines | page-08 |Mechanical Engineering MCQ And Answer

An eccentric sheave pivoted at one point rotates and transmits oscillatory motion to a link whose one end is pivoted and other end is connected to it. This mechanism has

Whitworth quick return mechanism is obtained by inversion of

In its simplest form, a cam mechanism consists of following number of links

Which of the following mechanisms produces mathematically an exact straight line motion

In a mechanism, usually one link is fixed. If the fixed link is changed in a kinematic chain, then relative motion of other links

A kinematic chain requires at least

In a darg link quick return mechanism, the shortest link is always fixed. The sum of the shortest and longest link is

The following is the inversion of slider crank chain mechanism

A typewriter mechanism has 7 number of binary joints, six links and none of higher pairs. The mechanism is

In a four-bar chain it is required to give an oscillatory motion to the follower for a continuous rotation of the crank. For the lengths of 50 mm of crank and 70 mm of the follower, determine theoretical maximum length of coupler. The distance between fixed pivots of crank and followers is

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