General KnowledgeGeography GK

Geography GK Questions – General Knowledge questions and answers

These questions are useful for any competitive exam like IAS, bank PO, SSC CGL, RAS, CDS, UPSC exams and all state related exams.

Banking, Railways, SSC, UPSC etc. form an important part of General Awareness section in competitive exam

Also, questions related to Geography GK are often asked in the GK section. Therefore, it is very important for all the candidates to have knowledge of the questions related to the Geography GK.

Geography of India or the geographical nature of India refers to the distribution and pattern of geographical elements in India which is very diverse in almost every aspect. On the one hand, there are the great Himalayan ranges in the north, and on the other hand and in the south the wide Indian Ocean, on one side there is a high and low and eroded Deccan plateau, while there is also the vast and flat Indus-Gangetic-Brahmaputra plain, the vast plains of Thar. Where various desert landforms are found in the desert, on the other hand there are also coastal parts.

What are the 7 key concepts of geography?

The seven geographical concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change are the key to understanding the places that make up our world. These are different from the content-based concepts such as weather, climate, mega cities and landscapes.

Geography Quiz Questions and Answers

1) What is the place of India in the world in terms of area

Answer: sevent.

2)What is the place of India in the world in terms of population?

Answer: second

3) Which countries are in the north of India.

Answer: China, Nepal, Bhutan.

4) Which country is in the east of India

Answer: Bangladesh

5)Which country is in the west of India


6) Which sea is in the southwest of India?

Answer:Arabian Sea

7) Which bay is in the southeast of India?

Answer: Bay of Bengal.

8) What is the difference between India’s standard time and Greenwich time?

Answer: 5 1/2

9) How much area of ​​the whole of India is spread over the plains ?

Answer: 44%

10) Which place is near the equator

Answer: Indira Point

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