General KnowledgeHistory GK

History GK Questions – General Knowledge questions and answers

These questions are useful for any competitive exam like IAS, bank PO, SSC CGL, RAS, CDS, UPSC exams and all state related exams.

Banking, Railways, SSC, UPSC etc. form an important part of General Awareness section in competitive exam

Also, questions related to History GK are often asked in the GK section. Therefore, it is very important for all the candidates to have knowledge of the questions related to the Geography GK.

History of Modern India: Complete Study Material

Here, we have compiled a comprehensive study material on History of Modern India with five major chapters like Decline of Mughal and Maratha Empire, Rise of the Regional States and European Power, British Paramountcy and Acts, 18th Century Revolts and Reform, and Indian National Movement. All the topics under each chapter are covered in detail in the form of Study notes.

1. Modern History: Decline of Mughal and Maratha Empire

1. Modern History: Decline of Mughal and Maratha Empire.

1.1 Successors of Mughal: Detailed Overview

1.2 Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: History |Biography| Administration

1.3 The Successors of Shivaji

1.4 Maratha Administration

1.5 Peshwas under Maratha Empire: Detailed Overview

1.6 List of Officers in Mughal Administration

2. Modern History: Rise of the Regional States and European Power

2.1 History of the Punjab | Sikh Warrior

2.2 History of Rajputs: Rajput Provinces of India

2.3 History of Mysore State

2.4 The Awadh | Historic Region of Northern India

2.5 Independent Rulers of Bengal during 17th Century

2.6 History of Hyderabad State & Nizams of Hyderabad

2.7 History of Jats State during 17th Century

2.8 Establishment of the Portugal Dominion

2.9 Establishment of the Dutch Dominion

2.10 Arrival of the French and establishment of French East India Company

2.11 Arrival of the British & Establishment of British East India Company

3. Modern History: British Paramountcy and Acts

3.1 Battle of Buxar: Its Causes and Consequences

3.2 Key Points on Subsidiary Alliance

3.3 Doctrine of Lapse: Meaning, Objective & its Impact

3.4 The Regulating Act, 1773: Key Features

3.5 Key features of Pitt’s India Act of 1784

3.6 Charter Act of 1793: Importance & its key Features

3.7 Features of the Charter Act of 1813

3.8 Main features of The Charter Act of 1833

3.9 Charter Act of 1853: Main features

3.10 Government of India Act 1858: Key Features

3.11 Indian Council Act of 1861

3.12 Main Features of Indian Council Act 1892

3.13 Indian council act 1909 | Minto-Morley Reforms: Main Features

3.14 Government of India Act 1935: Main Features

3.15 Government of India Act, 1919 | Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms: Main Features of the Act

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