Branch Wise MCQCivil Engineering McqsStrength Of Materials

100+ MCQ & Answer Strength Of Materials | page-03 |Civil Engineering MCQ And Answer

The minimum number of rivets for the connection of a gusset plate, is

The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of a square cross-section of 2.5 cm sides and 300 cm length, is

A rectangular beam 20 cm wide is subjected to a maximum shearing force of 10, 000 kg, the corresponding maximum shearing stress being 30 kg/cm2 The depth of the beam is

The maximum twisting moment a shaft can resist, is the product of the permissible shear stress and

For a simply supported beam with a central load, the bending moment is

The deflection of any rectangular beam simply supported, is

For a simply supported beam with a central load, the bending moment is

The deflection of any rectangular beam simply supported, is

The minimum number of rivets for the connection of a gusset plate, is

The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of a square cross-section of 2.5 cm sides and 300 cm length, is

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