100+ MCQ & Answer Computer network| page-08 |Computer Engineering MCQ And Answer
The primary goal of the ………………….. protocol is to provide a private channel between communicating application, which ensures privacy of data authentication of the partners, and integrity.
The ……………. is used to provide integrity check, authentication and encryption to IP datagram.
In ……………………. mode, a common technique in packet-switched networks consists of wrapping a packet in a new one.
The …………………………. Is a collection of protocols designed by Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) to provide security for a packet at the Network level.
At the lower layer of SSL, a protocol for transferring data using a variety of predefined cipher and authentication combinations called the ……………….
While initiating SSL session, the client code recognizes the SSL request and establishes a connection through TCP Part …………….. to the SSL code on the server.
On the upper layer of SSL, a protocol for initial authentication and transfer of encryption keys, called the …………
State whether the following statement are true. . i) An application-level gateway is often referred to as a proxy.
ii) In proxy, a direct connection is established between the client and destination server.
i) An application-level gateway is often referred to as a proxy.
ii) In proxy, a direct connection is established between the client and destination server.