Branch Wise MCQComputer networkComputer Science Mcqs 100+ MCQ & Answer Computer network| page-09 |Computer Engineering MCQ And Answer January 26, 2025 DSN MARATHI 81. Which of these is a standard interface for serial data transmission? A. ASCII B. RS232C C. 2 D. Centronics Answer Option : B 82. Which type of topology is best suited for large businesses which must carefully control and coordinate the operation of distributed branch outlets? A. Ring B. Local area C. Hierarchical D. Star Answer Option : D 83. Which of the following transmission directions listed is not a legitimate channel? A. Simplex B. Half Duplex C. Full Duplex D. Double Duplex Answer Option : D 84. Parity bits” are used for which of the following purposes? A. Encryption of data B. To transmit faster C. To detect errors D. To identify the user Answer Option : C 85. What kind of transmission medium is most appropriate to carry data in a computer network that is exposed to electrical interferences? A. Unshielded twisted pair B. Optical fiber C. Coaxial cable D. Microwave Answer Option : B 86. A collection of hyperlinked documents on the internet forms the ? A. World Wide Web (WWW) B. E-mail system C. Mailing list D. Hypertext markup language Answer Option : A 87. The location of a resource on the internet is given by its? A. Protocol B. URL C. E-mail address D. ICQ Answer Option : B 88. The term HTTP stands for? A. Hyper terminal tracing program B. Hypertext tracing protocol C. Hypertext transfer protocol D. Hypertext transfer program Answer Option : C 89. A proxy server is used as the computer? A. with external access B. acting as a backup C. performing file handling D. accessing user permissions Answer Option : A 90. Which one of the following would breach the integrity of a system? A. Looking the room to prevent theft B. Full access rights for all users C. Fitting the system with an anti-theft device D. Protecting the device against willful or accidental damage Answer Option : B
81. Which of these is a standard interface for serial data transmission? A. ASCII B. RS232C C. 2 D. Centronics Answer Option : B
82. Which type of topology is best suited for large businesses which must carefully control and coordinate the operation of distributed branch outlets? A. Ring B. Local area C. Hierarchical D. Star Answer Option : D
83. Which of the following transmission directions listed is not a legitimate channel? A. Simplex B. Half Duplex C. Full Duplex D. Double Duplex Answer Option : D
84. Parity bits” are used for which of the following purposes? A. Encryption of data B. To transmit faster C. To detect errors D. To identify the user Answer Option : C
85. What kind of transmission medium is most appropriate to carry data in a computer network that is exposed to electrical interferences? A. Unshielded twisted pair B. Optical fiber C. Coaxial cable D. Microwave Answer Option : B
86. A collection of hyperlinked documents on the internet forms the ? A. World Wide Web (WWW) B. E-mail system C. Mailing list D. Hypertext markup language Answer Option : A
87. The location of a resource on the internet is given by its? A. Protocol B. URL C. E-mail address D. ICQ Answer Option : B
88. The term HTTP stands for? A. Hyper terminal tracing program B. Hypertext tracing protocol C. Hypertext transfer protocol D. Hypertext transfer program Answer Option : C
89. A proxy server is used as the computer? A. with external access B. acting as a backup C. performing file handling D. accessing user permissions Answer Option : A
90. Which one of the following would breach the integrity of a system? A. Looking the room to prevent theft B. Full access rights for all users C. Fitting the system with an anti-theft device D. Protecting the device against willful or accidental damage Answer Option : B