Branch Wise MCQComputer Science McqsCyber Security

100+ MCQ & Answer Cyber Security | page-04 | Computer Course MCQ And Answer

Which of the following statements is correct about the firewall?

When was the first computer virus created?

Which of the following is considered as the world’s first antivirus program?

Which one of the following principles of cyber security refers that the security mechanism must be as small and simple as possible?

Which of the following principle of cyber security restricts how privileges are initiated whenever any object or subject is created?

Suppose an employee demands the root access to a UNIX system, where you are the administrator; that right or access should not be given to the employee unless that employee has work that requires certain rights, privileges. It can be considered as a perfect example of which principle of cyber security?

Which of the following can also consider as the instances of Open Design?

Which one of the following principles states that sometimes it is become more desirable to rescored the details of intrusion that to adopt more efficient measure to avoid it?

The web application like banking websites should ask its users to log-in again after some specific period of time, let say 30 min. It can be considered as an example of which cybersecurity principle?

Which one of the following statements is correct about Email security in the network security methods?

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