Microprocessor 8085 mcq questions and answers
What is Microprocessor?
A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output.
A microprocessor is a computer processor where the data processing logic and control is included on a single integrated circuit, or a small number of integrated circuits. -Wikipedia
Microprocessor mcq and answer :-
1)Microprocessor is a/an _____ circuit that functions as the CPU of the computer?
A. electronic
B. mechanic
C. integrating
D. processing
Ans: A
2)The CF is known as _____?
A. carry flag
B. condition flag
C. single flag
D. common flag
Ans: A
3)The BIU contains FIFO register of size _____ bytes ?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 12
Ans: B
4) The LES copies to words from memory to register and _____?
Ans: C
5) The main concerns of the ____ are to define a flexible set of commands ?
A. memory interface
B. peripheral interface
C. both (A) and (B)
D. control interface
Ans: A
Microprocessor Objective type Questions with Answers
6) An ______ is used to fetch one address ?
A. internal decoder
B. external decoder
C. encoder
D. register
Ans: A
7) CS connect the output of ____
A. encoder
B. decoder
C. slave program
D. buffer
Ans: B
8) ALE stands for ____
A. address latch enable
B. address level enable
C.address leak enable
D. address leak extension
Ans: A
9)Status register is also called as ___
A. accumulator
B. stack
C. counter
D. flags
Ans: D
10) Which microprocessor has multiplexed data and address lines??
A. 8086
B. 80286
C. 80386
D. Pentium
Ans: A