These questions are useful for any competitive exam like IAS, bank PO, SSC CGL, RAS, CDS, UPSC exams and all state related exams.
Banking, Railways, SSC, UPSC etc. form an important part of General Awareness section in competitive exam
Also, questions related to Popular GK are often asked in the GK section. Therefore, it is very important for all the candidates to have knowledge of the questions related to the Popular GK.
GK General Knowledge 2021: General Knowledge or General Awareness Section is taken as a high-scoring part in every competitive exam. Want to score high in GK Questions? Then, having knowledge of basic GK topics & previous year’s GK question papers is a must. List of Current Affairs GK and Static GK Topics are main portions in the General Knowlege section.
Purpose of GK General Knowledge The main aim of discussing the GK general knowledge is to aware everyone regarding current affairs and important topics on India and the world GK. In this article, we have presented the basic general knowledge topics related to India and the world which aid your competitive exams preparation like UPSC, SSC, Bank Exams, IBPS, SBI, RBI, FCI, LIC, CBI, Delhi Metro, Railway, and State SSC & PSC Exams. Hence, GK is a very essential subject to every individual of India and the world. If you have a good grip on current affairs and GK topics then it will help you answer in various govt exams with ease and confidence. Also, you can gain more knowledge after learning the GK Topics. Most of the general knowledge 2021 topics, GK Notes are covered here in the form of direct links, and soon we will be updating some more Indian GK & World GK Topics for scoring more marks in GK Questions. Practice more by taking the help of our privided GK MCQ Questions with Answers for all classes 1 to 12.
1. How many Lok Sabha seats belong to Rajasthan?
2. How many Lok Sabha seats do Goa have?
3. Hygrometer is used to measure?
4. How many players are there on each side in the game of Basketball?
5. ICAO stands for?
6. In cricket, a run taken when the ball passes the batsman without touching his bat or body is called?
7. In which year the First World War begun?
8. Indian Institute of Petroleum is located at?
9. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, established in 1971, is located at?
10. Indira Gandhi was assassinated in?