JEE Chemistry MCQs & Answer
Learn and practice General Knowledge questions and answers on Chemistry with very easy and understandable explanations. GK questions are very helpful.
JEE Chemistry Syllabus
Chemistry JEE Syllabus | |
Some basic concepts in chemistry | States of matter |
Atomic structure | Chemical bonding and molecular structure |
Chemical thermodynamics | Solutions |
Equilibrium | Redox reactions and electrochemistry |
Chemical kinetics | Surface chemistry |
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties | General principles and process of Isolation of metals |
Hydrogen | D and F – block elements |
Co-ordinations compound | Environmental chemistry |
Purification and characteristics of organic compounds | Some basic principles of organic chemistry |
Organic compounds containing halogens | Organic compounds containing oxygen |
Organic compounds containing nitrogen | Polymers |
Biomolecules | Chemistry in everyday life |
Principles related to practical chemistry |
JEE Main Chemistry covers three parts i.e. Inorganic, Organic and Physical chemistry. It is often considered the most scoring and time saving section by experts. Candidates are often advised to attempt Chemistry section first while taking JEE Main. Session 1, 2 and 3 Chemistry question papers are now available for JEE Main 2021 along with solutions.