JEE & NEETJEE Mathematics

JEE Main Maths 100+ MCQ & Answer | Page-05 | JEE & NEET MCQ

Let * be a binary operation on Q, defined by a * b = 3ab5 is

Let * be a binary operation on set Q of rational numbers defined as a * b = ab5. Write the identity for

Find the identity element in the set I+ of all positive integers defined by a * b = a + b for all a, b ∈ I+

Let * be a binary operation on set Q – {1} defind by a * b = a + b – ab : a, b ∈ Q – {1}. Then * is

The binary operation * defined on N by a * b = a + b + ab for all a, b ∈ N is

The number of commutative binary operation that can be defined on a set of 2 elements is

Let T be the set of all triangles in the Euclidean plane, and let a relation R on T be defined as aRb if a is congruent to b ∀ a, b ∈ T. Then R is

The maximum number of equivalence relations on the set A = {1, 2, 3} are

Let us define a relation R in R as aRb if a ≥ b. Then R is

Let R be the relation “is congruent to” on the set of all triangles in a plane is

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