Mechanical Engineering McqsTheory of Machines

Theory of Machines mcq and answer

What is theory of machine?

Theory of Machines may be defined as that branch of engineering science which deals with the study of relative motion between various elements of a machine and the forces which act on them.

A machine is any physical system with ordered structural and functional properties. It may represent human-made or naturally occurring device molecular machine that uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an action. -Wikipedia

Theory of Machines mcq and answer :-

1)Any point on a link connecting double slider crank chain will trace a ?
A. straight line
B. circle
C. ellipse
D. parabola
Ans: C

2)Rectilinear motion of piston is converted into rotary by?
A. cross head
B. slider crank
C. connecting rod
D. gudgeon pin

3)Automobile steering gear is an example of ?
A. higher pair
B. lower pair.
C.sliding pair
D. turning pair
Ans: B

4) Shaft revolving in a bearing is the following type of pair?
A. lower pair
B. spherical pair,
C. cylindrical pair
D. cylindrical pair
Ans: A

Theory of Machines Objective type Questions with Answers

6) The advantage of the piston valve over D-slide valve is that in the former case ?
A.wear is less
B. power absorbed is less
C.both wear and power absorbed are low
D.the pressure developed being high provides tight sealing

7) The indicator using Watt mechanism is known as?
A. Thompson indicator
B. Richard indicator
C. Simplex indicator
D. Thomson indicator
Ans: B

8)In an ideal machine, the output as compared to input is
A. less
B. more
C. equal
D. may be less or more depending on efficiency
Ans: C

9)Whitworth quick return mechanism is obtained by inversion of
A. slider crank mechanism
B. kinematic chain
C. five link mechanism
D. roller cam mechanism
Ans: A

10) In S.H.M., acceleration is proportional to?
A. velocity
B. displacement
C. rate of change of velocity
D. all of the above
Ans: B

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